Saturday, November 13, 2004

Heap big tired

Wow, I survived the night with no incidents (as the pouring rain tends to keep all but the craziest thieves indoors) and wide awake, left with a spring in my step, double-timed it to the SkyTrain, bounded up the stairs, waited for the train, climbed on board, sat on a seat, and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Apparently I was tired.

Of course, I only slept for a minute or two at a time, and it was mostly a doze. But on the first bus, which is a half hour ride... I would wake up a little disoriented and wondering if I'd been drooling on my shirt. No evidence of that so far, thankfully. :P

You know what I'm dying to do? Lanparty. Haven't done it for quite some time, not since I was in Calgary in the summer of 2002 and my luggage consisted of a few shirts and socks, and my computer. That was fun. But since then... I've not played a game with more than one other person in the same room as me. While that's still fun, it just ain't the same.

Now, since my fellow standing targets have all scattered to the winds, it's unlikely we'll be lanning anytime soon, but it would be nice to vpn something up with a nice voice link sometime so we can all frag or rts for an hour or two sometime. Anybody game?

Note that I'm writing this while extremely fatigued. I'll review it after some sleep to see if what looks like clear writing to me is actually gibberish like ffoij;fsda oifsao asdfse39sflsa.

Also, it's amusing when you find yourself being made fun of. Too bad I'm not significant enough to get into Mad. ;)

... several hours later ...

Yup, it mostly makes sense. Something that doesn't: Ol' Dirty Bastard is dead. Huh.


Blogger déraison said...

hey, it was really nice to see your comment on my surely gunna keep on checking out ur page, and follow ur engaging writings. thanks again.

11/14/2004 9:50 p.m.  
Blogger Rimmy said...

If you find my writings engaging, then that's great. I personally think I'd have the same substance in my blog if I dumped a bag of Skittles on the keyboard, but hey. ;)

11/16/2004 10:08 p.m.  

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