Thursday, April 21, 2005


Work was quiet last night.

Based on something I read in the paper, I got into a discussion with Buffalo Kisser about Indian guys that come to Canada (or are born here), arrange to marry a woman back in India (someone in Canada confers a certain amount of status, I gather), scoops the dowry, then buggers off saying they'll send for her when the immigration status comes through. Which they never bother to start.

She and her family are left broke and disgraced back in India.

Totally lame.

Of course, Buffalo Kisser then went into a monologue about Hindu festivals and long lists of the food you can eat at them. I'm not sure how this relates, but it passed the time. ;)

He also told Hippie that he shouldn't have kids. His logic (to him) was flawless. He said that since the guy is 50+ and has never been married before, it's too late for him to start. I'm not sure how Hippie took that speech... :P

And now I'm starting to wonder about Hippie. He started off talking like what you'd expect him to talk like, but after hearing him talk about small "gang" wars where he and the opponents were throwing stones and smacking with sticks!

I'm keeping my eye on this weird bastard. :)

I've also notice that he doesn't notice things going on around him - I can walk up to within about three meters of him before he notices. And he's slightly startled too! Same thing for visuals - he's just oblivious to anything that's not directly in his line of sight and focus.

I even saw him (through a window) bike two meters, shine his light down into a low hedge briefly, move another two meters, shine the light... it was very odd. He's very odd. Ah, my work. :P

Tomorrow is game as usual, and She is going to be playing as well, from one of the other player's house. All of the other players have asked if I'll be comfortable with that, and I've assured them that they shouldn't change things around on my behalf, but I hope it isn't going to be too hard.

The Hitchihiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie trailer. I'm not sure that anything is going to come close to the books, but damnit I'm going to go see it anyway.

A cappella Nintendo themes. Ah, I'm never going to get that Super Mario Brothers theme out of my head now!

Last night of work for the week. Bet it goes slooooooooooooooooooow. :P


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