Thursday, January 12, 2006

exemplary Gays like lol1tas nutritious so they beauty and young

For the past few days, the client and I have been following the progress of the new guy. But it's awfully hard, because he doesn't do much.

For Wednesday morning's shift, he was sort of copying my style of notation for his report, and saying he'd done all sorts of things. Which is great!

Except that he didn't do them. Unless this guy is a safecracker, he's not getting into some of these places that he says he did.

The one the client was amused by the least was the "full patrol" he did at 0500. Except that according to the system, he didn't budge. From about 0315 to 0600.

So when he came in last night, I asked him how it was going with his patrols. "Good" he said.

"Do you go in here?" "Yes." "In there?" "Yes."

I did that for several areas, none of which he'd gone in. After I'd given him enough rope to hang him with, I mentioned how he didn't in fact go into any of those areas. He got upset and asked what was with the interrogation, and if it was going to be like this maybe this isn't the site for him.

Ah, it's wonderful when you get your desire across and let them think it's their idea, isn't it?

My field manager had been in earlier that night asking about the union stuf, and I asked if he new this new guy. When I gave him the name, his expression was priceless. "We can't keep that guy at a site for more than a few days because the supervisors end up screaming for him to be removed. He's probably the laziest guy we've got."

Thanks for sending him to me, big guy.

I showed him the guy's reports and the system log of what he actually did, and he took photocopies off to give to Cookie Monster.

Although in truth I suspect I'm stuck with the guy for the few weeks before he goes back to school.

After all of this, the new guy told me that he even fell asleep in the cafeteria for half an hour or so. That's just wonderful.

Oh, and did I mention that he called me at 0500 this morning? "There's a striker pad that isn't letting me open the door."

"You'll need to be a little more specific."

So he eventually gave me enough clues as to where he was, and he was trying to get through a deadbolted door without unlocked said deadbolt.

Then he asked where the server room was, that I told him he had to check every hour on the hour, three days ago.

[sarcasm]Oh yeah, I'm coming down too hard on him.[/sarcasm]


Blogger Rimmy said...

Sat and blared tv for four hours on his Thursday night shift too, and left the remote out where it was found by an employee and returned to me on my shift.

He claims he put it back where he found it though.

Does this sort of bold-faced lie actually work for people?

I mean, some person who doesn't know where the remote normally is gives it to me and tells me where she found it, I have other reports of the tv going since before any employees were on, and HE claims something contrary?

What a loser.

1/17/2006 2:19 p.m.  

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