Sunday, September 17, 2006

New evils require new remedies... new sanctions to defend and vindicate the eternal principle of right and wrong

Dicegimp's gone from the site - did I forget to blog that?

Well, he is. Oh, happy day! :D

Mind you, he tells everybody he got a promotion and is making an extra four bucks an hour, but when they ask about the site he says "I'm not allowed to say."

Which of course is another way of saying "I don't want to tell you anything that will let you verify I'm lying." Hee!

Note that this "promotion" came suspiciously close to the date he was caught stealing garbage by his supervisor, as I mentioned before. Surely it's a coincidence.

Another fun thing that happened at the site happened a couple of Mondays ago. A panic button had previously been pressed in one of the tenant's suites (not mine). They're moving out, and the thing got bumped. So a police cruiser shows up, and all is well.

Then it happened again, and this is the fun one.

Rather than bothering to go inside and confirm, they set up outside. They ignored the site guard (Q-tip) and called for backup. There was in excess of twenty cars, at least two dog teams, police setting up with long guns across the road and at sites at a distance but essentially surrounding the building. A helicopter was diverted to the area.

After about three quarters of an hour of this nonsense, someone thinks to go inside. "We're all clear, we can disperse." Morons.

I went and saw The Illusionist last weekend. It was ace.

Good mood, good camera angles, and once again I realize I think that Edward Norton is a great actor, whatever he does. For some reason I always forget that inbetween movies, but once again it's confirmed.

Plus, the movie inspired me for a roleplaying game I'm semi-inserting myself in. That's good stuff.

And this weekend I finally dragged myself to see A Scanner Darkly, which I've meant to see for some time. And it was a reasonably good adaptation of the book, which I enjoyed.

Even better, I came out introspective AND slightly dialed out of reality, which I definitely enjoy. And as I came out of the theatre on Granville, and looked from the ramparts of the mighty scratching the sky down to the filth and the downtrodden on the streets below, I felt my own head shuddering slightly as the hemispheres of my brain sang their competing songs.

And all I wanted was to get those albino shapshifting lizard bitches for only selling me nine gears on the eighteen speed bike.

I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, would it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.

Okay, I'm done. :P


Blogger Fictional Correspondant said...

I'm OK with that unfairness too. Somehow you get this strange feeling that everything balances out because of it. Or is that contradicting what I just said?

No Matter, Life is about Hypocracy, and the sooner you learn that, the better off you will be.

Maybe thats just me.


9/18/2006 3:29 p.m.  
Blogger Rimmy said...

Fictional - you're almost echoing my assertion that everything in the universe is made up of a complex combination of matter, energy, and an enlightened self-interest.

Jovknee - nah. If you think you deserve the bad stuff, then it follows that you also deserve the good stuff. Think about things like "Because this old man mentioned a name and it freaked me out" or "I've got my supervisor wrapped around my finger" and explain the "deserved" balance there. No no, randomness and actions people don't tell you about - THAT'S the ticket!

Kibilz - if I could find a Karma worth doing the left-handed Twist with, I'd give it a whirl. But to paraphrase a very wise man: "But I've seen a lot of this universe. I've seen fake gods, bad gods, demi-gods, would-be-gods... and out of all that, out of that whole pantheon, if I believe in one thing, just one thing... I believe in... ME." ;)

9/20/2006 11:07 a.m.  

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