Sunday, February 20, 2005

My head is almost cold

Current update on whatever the hell is going on at work - one of the bike patrol guys quit.

I can't say for sure if it's because of the situation, or he just found something better, but I do know that he did it about five hours before his shift started.

As I was the last person to work with him, all of the other guys were waiting for me at the site to find out what happened, and of course I was as surprised as anybody.

And that's it, really. :P

Also, last night the Polish guy phoned me when I was doing rounds.

"Hey man, [the Romanian] said that there were a bunch of surplus cell phones in one of your offices."

"Er, yes. Why?"

"Oh, well the battery on my phone is screwed up and even when fully charged won't let me talk for more than twenty minutes, so I was wondering if I could look through the batteries they have in there."

"Uh, you can't have any of them, you realize."

"Why not?"

"Because they're all owned, and they aren't the ones with a screwed up battery. How would it even be close to being right if I let you swipe a good battery and leave them a crap one?"

"They can afford it."

"See you later."


And then when I got out there, the Romanian was saying "Hey man, can we go in and have a look at those cell phones?"

What a pack of thieves. :P

Hot chocolate, pens, staplers (really)... and anything else that doesn't seem to be nailed down.

Man, I'm glad they don't have access to my site.

I got a haircut. As usual, I hate getting it done, but I'm always glad once I've got it.

Not that there's much in the way of style, although the stylist always tries. About the best I can hope for after a haircut is shorter hair. A fair trade.

Also, I've been attempting to shift the debris in my place around, for no particular reason. And I find that I just don't really care how my digs look. Although I tend for extremes - either stacks and stacks of boxes with narrow you've-got-to-squeeze-sideways passages through them, or maximum bare floor.

As I have a fair thwack of stuff, guess which mode I usually end up in?

Clearly I need someone to boss me around so that a happy balance can be found. Not that I respond well to bossing, mind you. But an artful nudge at the right time would probably work.

Any volunteers?


Blogger Jay said...

I cut my husband's hair, he hates going to a stylist. He doesn't trust them. So why then, would he trust me, who has never been to hairdressing school? (not to worry, I did learn from my mom, so I'm not a total spaz). Boys are funny about their hair. And don't get me started about the boxes. I think you already know how I feel about that.

2/21/2005 10:43 a.m.  
Blogger Rimmy said...

I'm not funny about my hair - I'm anti-fashion. But not enough to have it be a fashion statement. ;)

Once upon a time my S/O would cut my hair too, but it was such a sensual thing that it took hours, and very little haircutting was successfully done.

Fun, but we really needed to put an afternoon aside for it. lol

And yes, I know how you feel about the boxes. I'll be chastised before long about it, I'm sure. :P

2/22/2005 10:07 p.m.  

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