Thursday, June 02, 2005

The Second Amendment

Nothing really to report - tonight is my last scheduled shift for the week. At straight night #19, I'm kind of looking forward to having a day off, although I seem to have passed the point where I look forward to sleeping at night. Night, day... whatever.

At my site, the new owners chopped 40% of the staff. Know how they did it?

Rather than isolate everybody, they did it one by one. It was horrible, as the building plan is based around a central shaft like a courtyard. Almost everybody has a nearby window, and most of them spent the past day and a half (yes, that's how long it took to do this) pressed up against the glass watching people be escorted one by one.

I've heard it described by more than one person as watching a march to the guillotine. And there was no warning, everytime someone heard a door or someone walking by, people would wonder "Am I next?".

I wonder if the new owners were trying to make the staff resent them, or if they just didn't care. Not to mention that there's currently no real chain of command, or processes in place to let work go on with 40% of the staff gone.

Even I have nobody to report to. If something breaks down in the middle of the night (like the UPS cooling that I posted about the other day), do I still call the service people in as usual? Because they're not cheap. Or am I going to get my ear chewed off eventually with "Who authorized you to do that?"?

Because I just don't know. Lots of people are in that boat.

Of the remaining people, those that are contract have been told that their contracts won't be renewed. And I've heard rumours that the whole place will be shut down by Dismember (sorry, meant December. Just a mood thing ;) ) and the remaining lease on the building paid off.

This was a company that made a hand-over-fist profit, as published in the magazines and in the newspaper(s) at the time of the sale. So why would the new owners pay 2.2 billion for it if they were just going to dismember it? It seems very strange to me.

Dragonshard is coming out on June 16 or so. I'm waffling on this, I wanted it when I heard about it last year, but they were so bad about updates even on the official site, that I figured it was forgotten about or badly underfunded/understaffed. And here it is upon us, and Gord knows I have spare time. So whudameyegonnadue?

Totally unrelated to gaming and massive job cuts, my neck and upper back on the right side have been just killing me this week. I don't know why, since I didn't do anything unusually strenuous or anything, but I couldn't lift my chin above level, have to keep my head tilted slightly to the left, and all sorts of motions are quite painful including walking, pulling open doors, pushing open doors, getting stuff out of my pockets, turning while sleeping, etc.

I mentioned this to Depaxus yesterday, and he said that he had something that sounded a lot like that. He used heat and said he cleared that bugger up within a couple of days.

I haven't had much in the way of injuries my entire life, so like a fool I'd actually already tried using a bag of vegetables from the freezer to calm it down. Figures I'd do the opposite thing. :P

My neck partially unlocked itself (this is muscle that's the problem, not a maladjusted spine) this morning while I was writing my report right before I went home, but I still remembered to go to the drugstore (where I helped the manager with a shoplifter, oddly enough) to check them out.

So I got one today. Two actually, as they were a box set. It does feel a lot better, that smartypants. Thanks dude, now if only you could hold your line while we're playing Generals... ;)

What's that you say? I didn't mention anything about the Second Amendment in my blog? Terribly sorry about that, have a t-shirt. :)


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